Skincare Tips (for the NZ summer)

I have listed a few simple steps to protect your skin during the New Zealand summer.

~Sun protection ( the most important )

When purchasing a sunscreen look for UVA & UVB protection.

Apply sunscreen even on a cloudy summers day. UVA rays can pass through windows, which is why we often see more sun damage on the driver’s side of the face.

Make sunscreen part of your skincare regime. Don’t forget your hands and décolletage.

Sunbathing speeds up the aging process, causes sunspots, wrinkles and increases your risk of cancer. Tanned skin is Natures warning sign that your skin is being damaged. Consider fake tan instead.

Find a Hat & glasses you like and wear them, both are great habits.

~The skin is your largest organ and 64 % water

Keep your fluid intake up to prevent dehydration and keep that summer glow. 

Too much exfoliation removes new skin cells ….. Weekly exfoliation is fine.

Don’t stop moisturising your body daily.

Swimming pools & spas contain chemicals that strip the skin, so after a dip make sure to rinse off in lukewarm water.

Hot steamy showers will dry out the skin and exacerbate blood vessels & reddness ( again opt for lukewarm water instead of steamy)

Soap will also dry the skin, liquid cleaners and gels usually have a lower ph so are a great substitute. People with sensitive skin need to be careful about additives such as fragrance which can also irritate.

Some of these tips came from Cosmetic Chemist Terri Vinsons book Skinformation - A fantastic read for anyone with an interested in having the best skin they can.


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